Magical Budapest

Risk Associated with Travel (assessment)

Risk often occurs when people are less careful and pay attention to it. Risk that could occur when travelling to Hungary could be health-related, and could be both mental health and physical health. Well, what does it mean about mental health, and physical health ? Mental health could be caused by social disadvantage, discrimination, poverty,…

European Styles of Greeting: Culture Shock (assessment)

Travelling or moving to another country could be a huge surprise to almost everyone as some people may need to spend sometimes adapting to the new environment and culture. In my culture, when people greet each other, if they are the same age, they would just say “Hi” or “Hello” (Sour Sdey: Khmer Word). If…

EVERYONE IS EQUAL- Meaningful Engagement (assessment)

Behind every successful story; however, there is always a black side. Hungary is one of the high income countries, and one of the most stunning countries around the world. What issue is hidden behind Hungary ?  In relation to discrimination, women’s and LGBT rights are undermined by Hungarian government. In 2014, Hungary signed the treaty…

Habsburg Royal Empress Elisabeth (SiSi)-Street Art

Most buildings in Budapest were dilapidated due to World War II. They were kept in ruins for decades. However, due to social awareness and to attract more tourists, most buildings were revitalised and filled with beautiful and meaningful street arts. The Jewish District, commonly known as District VII, is one of the best murals to…

Hungarian Parliament Building- Place Essentialism (assessment)

If you tell someone that you will be on a holiday to Budapest, most people might ask why Budapest ? Misconception: Risky place, pessimistic citizens, boring places. Let’s see how Budapest has transformed from time to time. Hungary’s Parliament Building is one of the most crucial place within Budapest. It consists of a very rich…

Széchenyi Chain Bridge-The Symbol

One of the most well-known national symbols in Budapest is Széchenyi Chain Bridge. Széchenyi is chosen to be one of the national symbols representing Budapest because if you visit Budapest, you will see this bridge located in the middle of the city connecting two towns together, and there was a history behind this chain bridge. …


Hungary, the landlocked country, is situated in the central of Europe. It consists of many tourist sites, beautiful scenery along with the river in front of the Hungarian Parliament building, and the most striking architecture.

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